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I was having a conversation with Clay the other day about how, as a kid, I used to think that becoming a missionary would awful. I’m a homebody, I like to be in a familiar area. I like to feel completely comfortable in my surroundings. So for a 12-year-old me, being a missionary was a terrifying idea. Traveling to a foreign country, surrounded by people speaking a different language, adjusting to cultures and norms vastly different from my own… It was really, really scary.

I believe that a huge piece of Faith is choosing to be ok getting outside of your comfort zone. I believed this even as a kid. So as a 12 year old, I was completely, absolutely, positively sure that God was going to call me to be a missionary, solely because it was the last thing on earth I wanted to do. Now, at 20, I’ve been involved with ministries, become the Women’s Outreach leader in a local college bible study, and been halfway across the world and back administering health care to the men, women, and children of Zambia. Is this considered missionary work?


1. a person sent by a church into an area to carry on evangelism or other activities, as educational or hospital work.

So to answer my previous question, yes, it is missionary work. I am a missionary.

“The second you walk out the doors of this church, you become a missionary to the world. Your calling as a Christian is to administer the love of your Lord and proclaim his word to everyone.” -Tony VanDerWilt

I look back at my childish fears and laugh to myself. Cause isn’t it funny that something I so greatly feared has become the position I now jump at the chance to fill? He not only shows us how to conquer our fears, He uses them! Our God is greater.

“When everything gets so complicated

Who do I choose to believe?

Religion can be so overrated

But all I know is now I am free

I was lost in a place no one wants to be

Trying hard to convince myself to believe

You were there all along, I just couldn’t see…” -EleventySeven “Love in Your Arms”

The lightbulb in my Scentsy went out… And for some reason I don’t fully understand, this has drained nearly every ounce of creativity from me. Interesting… I’ll ponder more on this later…

five things


1. Love+Toast handcreme. Because if the super creamy smell and natural ingredients aren’t awesome enough, a portion of the sale goes to a good cause!


2. Tazo Wild Sweet Orange herbal tea. This is literally the best orange tea I have ever had. I love to add cinnamon sticks to mine.


3. Carly Rae Jepsen. Nuff’ said.


4. Darsee and David’s Vintage Luxe candle. Best smelling candle in the world. In. The. World.

5. The cast of Downton Abbey performing One Direction’s “That’s What Makes You Beautiful”. My life is complete.

in which… Life lately

Take one Cup of Coffee, mix with French Vanilla Creamer until frothy. Stir in one Comfy Pair of Basketball Shorts. Blend. Add another Cup of Coffee. Blend until smooth. Gradually add in a hearty dose of The Walking Dead (season two has the richest flavor), a Bell Pepper and Cheese Omelet, and another Cup of Coffee. Blend. Enjoy your Saturday Morning while hot.

I feel this day is best described by the song Mr. Saxobeat.

Life lately, according to my iPhone…

in which… Flash mob

Literally one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen…

in which… Luke 21:17

“… And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake…”

… So I guess…

Haters gonna hate…

in which… I am G-L-A-M-O-R-OUS*

I feel like happiness is a choice. There are lots of people who have it made and are some of the unhappiest people I know. There are lots of people who have had to work hard their entires lives, and they are some of the happiest people I know… It’s a choice.

Fergie doesn’t seem to have a problem with this choice… Though I do think she would be thrown into the “I-Have-It-Made” classification…

We’re flying the first class
Up in the sky
Poppin’ champagne
Livin’ the life
In the fast lane
And I wont change

*While I hate to give Fergie any positive recognition, because I dislike her stringy-haired, botoxed face, I just like the lyrics to this particular song… I can’t help it.

Five Things

1. Apricot Fried Pies

While I can never get enough of a good cherry pie, apricot fried pies are a veryveryvery close second. I love them for breakfast.

2. a good Vintage Editor

I love vintage edited pictures. They just look classy.

3. a French Vanilla-laced mug of coffee

Clay brought me a bag of coffee beans back from Cancun, and this coffee is so good you guys. It’s a dark roast with a super strong flavor. And I love it. You have to fresh grind it, which (any coffee lover knows) makes it taste totally fresh and so much better than the average cup of joe.

4. A couple hours of an Austen-inspired book first thing in the morning

I’m on a Jane Austen kick. Really, that’s all I want to read. And I don’t feel like this is a problem at all…

5. Lakewood Pressed Coconut juice

One part of this equal to one part coconut water, and you’ve got my favorite summery drink. I’ll take a glass of this coconut concoction over anything else on a hot night.

in which… A lost photograph


Found this picture buried in my jump drive.

At this moment, I kind of miss Africa…

in which… Memories are shared


in which… Happiness is defined

Happiness is…

Getting off work three hours early.
Four new Threadless t-shirts.
Chinese with Hannah.
Peach smoothies.
My song on the radio.
Clay on his way home.
Killswitch Engage.
A verse written just for me.
40 cent Jane Austen classics.
Random compliments from strangers.
Halo marathons with my siblings.
Being adjusted back to my own timezone.

Pictures from Africa coming soon…